Catholic Social Teaching Ministry The Catholic Social Teaching Ministry of St. Leo works to promote education and action supporting the Catholic tradition of living responsibly and faithfully to the beatitudes as taught by Jesus. Through the Generations of Faith parish offerings, opportunities are provided that promote peace and justice for people in our city, our country, and the world. If you would like more information, please contact Fr. Craig Loecker at 402-397-0407.
Human Needs Ministry Occasionally we are called upon for direct help with a financial crisis or situation. Our response through the St. Leo Human Needs Ministry can include helping someone pay a utility bill, rent, or assisting with a food pantry. If you would like to join the Human Needs Ministry, please call the parish office at 402-397-0407.
Habitat for Humanity St. Leo Parish participates in the international Habitat for Humanity organization. Every year we join several other parishes to build a house for a homeless family. Volunteers, both skilled and unskilled, help with the construction, while others provide food for the work crews. A substantial cash donation from the parish is also included in our support. For more information, contact Jerry and Pat Heinrichs at 402-492-8950.
Siena Francis House Founded in 1975, Siena Francis House’s ultimate goal is to end homelessness by helping our clients achieve permanent, stable housing out in the community. In support of this effort, Siena Francis House provides shelter, food, clothing and other emergency services to individuals experiencing homelessness – 24/7, 365 days a year. Individuals prepare a specific menu item (casserole, salad, dessert, etc.) for about 15 people, and then deliver the prepared food to St. Leo Church. Volunteers then drive the food to the Francis House. Most menu items can be made ahead, allowing for flexibility to accommodate the drop off time to your individual work schedule. If you are interested in providing food, please contact the parish office at 402-397-0407.
"Harvest of Faith" Community Garden St. Leo Parish offers a community garden. For a small "rental fee", parishioners are invited to plant, tend and harvest individual plots. They may donate extra produce to weekly sales after Sunday Masses. Proceeds from the sales go to support our Human Needs Ministry. For further information, contact the parish office at 402-397-0407.
Bereavement Ministry St. Leo volunteers visit parishioners whose family member was buried from St. Leo Church. The name of the deceased loved one is placed on a Memorial Cross which hangs in the main worship space. After one year, bereavement ministers deliver the cross to a family member. We also assist with the annual All Souls Day Memorial Mass in November. For more information, contact the parish office at 402-397-0407.
Funeral Lunch Committee The Funeral Lunch Committee provides sustenance and comfort to the bereaved in the form of a lunch served in the parish social hall following the funeral. The committee is made up of people who call volunteers to prepare food in their homes to deliver to the church, and those who serve the lunch. If you would like to become part of St. Leo’s Funeral Lunch ministry, either as a food preparer or server, please call Dina Turco at 402-397-0407.
Respect Life Ministry St. Leo’s Pro-Life Group is part of the National Organization of the Bishops' Pastoral Plan for Respect Life. Members are committed to prayer, volunteer activities, financial assistance, and keeping informed on the issues. To get involved, contact Lynn Weist at 402-393-0781.