Heavenly Helpers Each Saturday, a group of six to eight people clean the church from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Cleaning includes vacuuming, dusting, straightening pews, cleaning windows, etc. Individuals unable to clean on Saturday morning have often cleaned on Friday afternoon. Groups are scheduled on a rotating basis cleaning approximately four to five times a year. To volunteer for this ministry, contact Betsy Bridgeford at [email protected].
Buildings and Grounds Volunteers help with the upkeep of parish buildings and grounds - painting, mowing, weeding, trimming, planting, mulching, plumbing, electrical, etc. The projects vary from helping on clean-up day to caring for the flowers, trees and bushes on a regular basis. For more information, or to volunteer your time and services, contact Mark McDermott at 402-496-7533.