Altar Servers Click Here Lectors During Daily, Sunday and Feast Day Masses, parish Lectors proclaim the Word of God to our faithful in attendance. Lectors are mentored by ministers already in service at the parish as well as at the Archdiocesan level, culminating in a Mandation Mass they attend the year they begin their ministry. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (E.M.H.C) During each Mass and as ministers to the sick and homebound, St. Leo Parishioners of this ministry assist our Priests in the distribution of Holy Communion to encourage our entire parish family’s regular participation in the Eucharist. Hospital Ministry Hospitalized parishioners and Catholics from the area are visited by caring people who extend the healing touch of Jesus to the sick and hurting; listening, praying, and bringing the love and comfort of the Christian community, as well as Eucharist, to those they visit. Ministers are scheduled for two to three hours once or twice a month. For further details, contact the parish office at 402-397-0407. Communion Services for Assisted Living, Nursing Homes & Homebound Every Sunday morning at 11:15 a.m. we do Communion Services at Brighton Gardens Nursing Home, Waterford, Bickford Cottage, Camelot Assisted Living, and Old Mill Rehab. To participate, you must be a mandated Communion Minister with a desire to serve. For more information, please contact the parish office at 402-397-0407. Sacristans Sacristans assist our presider in all of the preparatory and conclusive measures that allow our Mass, Holy Communion and the Rites of our Liturgy to run in the most complete and efficient manner possible. Contact:
Sacristan HandbookSacristan Checklist Ushers Ushers are the face of our Parish at Mass. Help our Parishioners experience St. Leo’s hospitality and warmth.